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Year 1 Pixies

Dear Pixies,

Please see below some activities for you to do while you are at home.  

Lots of love

Mrs Felicetti xx

English –

Day 1

  • Read/watch the story of Little Red Riding Hood on. (Either read a story book if you have one or look at the PowerPoint attached.

Discuss the story with a grown up and talk about what happens at the beginning, in the middle and at the end.

  • Using the cut and stick sheet, attached in the documents below, to make a story map.  If you don’t have access to a printer then you can draw your own map.

Day 2

  • Focus on one of the characters e.g. The Wolf.  Draw an outline of the character and write some words that describe the character, inside the outline, e.g. “bad”, “greedy”, “nasty”.

Day 3

  • Focus on another character and do the same activity as yesterday.

Day 4

  • Using the cards attached below sequence the story.  If you do not have access to a printer then you can cut out some paper squares and draw the pictures – make sure you challenge yourself by writing a sentence about each picture.

Day 5

  • Discuss with a grown up how we know when one of the characters is speaking in the story. Draw the characters with speech bubbles coming out of their mouths and use your sounds to write what they say.  There are some speech bubbles sheets attached below if you would rather use these.

Day 6

  • Read the story again.
  • Have a look at the describing words below and match them to a character.

Day 7

  • Use the sentence building cards attached below to put some sentences together about the story. Alternatively you can write a sentences or a few sentences about the story.

Day 8

  • Have a look at the reading comprehension sheet attached below and answer the questions.  An adult may want to help you with the reading part.   Remember to use your sounds to sound out and blend words you don’t recognise.

Day 9

  • Using the stick puppets attached below, or drawing and making your own, act out the story for someone at home, making sure you use full sentences and story language.  Can you make your voice growl like a wolf or squeak like a granny?

Day 10

  • BIG WRITE – after all the hard work you have put into finding out about the story, now it’s time to write the story yourself.
  • Put on some calming music
  • Sit up smartly
  • Make sure your pencil is sharpened
  • Think about the beginning, middle and end
  • Use your sounds and you can’t go wrong


Below you will find a link to the Year 1 home learning page on White Rose Maths.  There is a video for each day of the week.  When you reach the page you will see the current week indicated in a pink oval near to the right of the page.

Work through the video, stopping to complete the questions when you see the pause symbol.  Do not worry about completing the worksheet as suggested at the end of the video as you will have worked really hard to have got to that point!


Learning Objective: Think about the times that it is necessary to wait and the use of that time.

Some children will be able to talk about their experience and feelings about waiting.

Some children will be able to say what they wonder about waiting.

  1. Can you think of a time in your life when you have had to wait? (At home or at school. e.g. waiting for a birthday or a holiday.)
  2. Can you think of a time that as a family you have had to wait for something?
  3. How did you feel?
  4. Was there anything special you did whilst you were waiting?  Were other people involved?  If so, who and how?
  5. What opportunities does waiting give you?
  6. Invite the children to draw a picture of themselves waiting for an event.  Underneath it write:

I am waiting for...

I feel…

  1. Set up opportunities for children to play ‘hide and seek’ inside or out – Discuss how it feels to be the person who is waiting.


This topic about “waiting” is related to Advent and waiting for the birth of Jesus at Christmas, but you can also relate it to waiting for this self-isolation time to pass.




Practise your hand/eye co-ordination by throwing and catching a ball.  Perhaps you could place a bin or a bucket at different distances and throw the ball into it.




Please see the generic science activities link and choose the activities that you would like to do.



Learning Objective: Use a variety of tools, inc. pencils, rubbers, crayons, pastels, felt tips, charcoal, ballpoints, chalk and other dry media.

Gather an object or a collection of objects from around the house and use drawing techniques to create a still life image.



Choose a piece of music that makes you feel happy.

Learning Objective:  Identify the pulse in different pieces of music.


Learning Objective:  Identify the pulse and join in getting faster and slower together.
