In the Elves class we have been learning about Jewish beliefs about God and 'The Shema'. Jews believe in one God, the creator of the Universe who cares for us all. 'The Shema' is a special Jewish prayer/declaration of faith that Jews say three times a day. The Elves thought of their own special prayers that they could say every day. The Elves write these onto tea-stained paper, so that their own Shema looked ancient like the ancient religion Judaism. Some of children chose to write their prayer right to left as it would appear in Hebrew in the Torah.
The Elves also learnt about Shabbat! Shabbat is the Jewish Sabbath - a holy day of rest. We learned about how Shabbat is celebrated and the children drew their own pictures of a family celebrating Shabbat. We also tasted Challah Bread - a special sweet, white. bread shared at the Shabbat family meal.
Trying Challah Bread and our Shema prayers
Our Stars of David craft work