The Subject Leader is: Mrs Mackell
Our PSHE curriculum closely follows the PSHE association's Programme of Study.
The broad and balanced curriculum that we teach at Stella Maris covers many aspects of RHE and RSE that feed into PSHE.
Subjects such as RE, Science, Design Technology (Healthy Eating) and RSE all contribute to the wider subject of PSHE. During the year classes will also undertake lessons and activities teaching them about finance , how to be safe and also first aid.
The updated National Curriculum guidance on Relationships and Health Education as well as Relationships and Sex Education can be found by clicking on the link below.
National Curriculum Guidance- RHE and RSE
January 2024 - A visit from Captain Wonderweb and the Esteem Machine (NHS commissioned Mental Health show)

Celebrating World Kindness Day (November 2023)

Relationships and Health Education (RHE) is statutory in Primary Schools and Relationships and Sex Eductaion (RSE) is only statutory in Secondary schools but here at Stella Maris, like other Primary Schools we have adopted a scheme that allows us to teach RSE in a safe, caring and loving environment.
Our RSE curriculum is called, 'A Journey in Love.'
Detailed information about this programme for children in the Primary years along with our policy can be found on our Catholic Life tab and by clicking this link here.
Anti-Bullying Week Creative Competition "Reach Out" (November 2022)