Whole School Celebrations and Events
Christmas at Stella Maris
During Advent, many whole school events took place for our children, parents and governors. All of the children took part in either the nativity or a Carole service, as well as the beautiful Christingle. The children made their own Christingles for the service. To celebrate Christmas, the children also had a Christmas party, ate Christmas lunch together and helped raise money for charity by wearing their Christmas jumpers.
School Council Elections
Today, Friday 29th September, we held our school council elections in the school hall. We were able to use real voting equipment such as voting screens, ballot boxes and polling station signs. The election was held democratically and fair for all. We would like to introduce this years school councilors below!
Book Week - Book in a Box Competition
The O2 Arena
Children from some of our KS2 classes sang their hearts out at the O2 Arena in Greenwich on Monday 16th January. They sang a range of songs and danced their way through them with energy and excitement. Even some of the adults were dancing too! There were thousands of children, great dance acts, World renowned Violinists and singers. A great well done to all of the school choir in attendance.
The O2
Christmas at Stella Maris
The children at Stella Maris had a wonderful time celebrating Christmas together. There were many wonderful events such as the KS1 & EYFS Nativity. This was thoroughly enjoyed by the many parents and members of the community who came to support. KS2 held a wonderful Carol Concert, which again was supported and enjoyed by many. Other events included: Christmas Craft Parent Workshops, Christmas dinner, a Christmas party for the younger children with a magician, a visit to the cinema for the older children and a wonderful Christingle Service to finish the term. Of course Father Christmas came to visit EYFS on St. Nicholas' Day!
Community Fireworks Extravaganza
We held our annual community fireworks last night with many members of the Stella Maris community coming together to share a great evening. We had a range of different arts and crafts available to enjoy including pastel drawing, collage making, colouring and scratching rainbow cards. Everyone had an amazing time and we look forward to next year already.
More Fireworks
2022 - 2023 School Council Elections
We have held our annual school council elections in term 1. The children are asked to prepare a short presentation for their classes that state what skills they have to be a school council member, why they want to be a school council member as well as some changes they will try to introduce in the coming year. Well done to everyone that stood in the elections. More information on the school council can be found here.
NHS Fantastic Fred Workshop
As a whole school we began the year thinking about our mental health through the brilliant Fantastic Fred workshop run by the NHS. Each class loved going up to the tour bus to discuss and learn about what can affect our mental health. We learnt that FRED is an acronym standing for Food, Rest, Exercise and Devices.
KCSP Writing Competition
Alongside the annual art competition, the trust ran it's writing competition. The theme was on someone that inspires us. Once again the school provided a fantastic range of submissions, once again winner one of the best overall positions. We also had a highly commended for Alba in the EYFS category.
KCSP Art Competition
This year the trust set the art challenge of sustainability. We had a fantastic range of submissions from the entire school, leading to an overall win in the primary category for the school. We also had a individual win for Amelia in the EYFS category, a highly commended for Nancy in KS1 and a highly commended for Iris in KS2.
Attendance Winners
One of the final awards given at our last assembly of the year was for those children who had been in school lots over the course of the whole school year. Mrs Tidd wanted to celebrate their commitment to school and their learning.
Sports Day Winners
Also in our last assembly of the year we celebrated those children that had won their running races for their year groups. The winners are:
Imps’ Class flat races Ezra and Mia M. Pixies Class flat races Alfie M and Matilda. Elves’ flat races Oscar and Orla R. Hobbits’ Class flat races Dexter and Karis. Dragons’ Class flat races Alex and Tess. Griffins’ Class flat races James and Poppy. Unicorns’ Class flat races Oakley and Tabitha. Unicorns and Griffins for their Long Distance races James and Poppy for the Griffins and Oakley and Tabitha Unicorns.
School Cup Winners
During our final assembly of the year together we celebrated the various school cups that we have to award. The selection process is always challenging but the winners are definatly deserving. They are:
The Pauline Pook Caring Cup to Lilac in Elves. The Stella Maris Writing Cup to Anya in Unicorns. The Stella Maris Progress Cup to Ava M in Unicorns. The Stella Maris Merit Cup to Mayson in Unicorns. The Stella Maris Good Citizen Cup to Evan.S in Unicorns.
To conclude the Carnival topic in year 4, we were thrilled to take part in the first Charavari parade through Folkestone to happen in 3 years. The Dragons class as well as some children from other classes had an amazing time parading through the town, dancing, singing and celebrating the end of an amazing year.
Little Amal at Sunny Sands
Little returned to Folkestone having set off on a nearly year long journey around the world. She was welcomed home a large number of people as well as members of school community. It was a very moving sun set experience that really helped to draw attention to the needs and plight of children flee war around the world.
KCSP Eco Competition
This year KCSP introduced it's first Eco Competition to the trust schools. Each school was given to the opportunity to submit a proposal for a project they wished to be funded in their school. Our Eco council alongside Mr Langley created the submission below. The children were then interviewed by members of the Trust on their proposal. We are thrilled to announce we are one of 3 trust school to win. We will update you on the progress of this project as time moves on.
Giraffes Can't Dance!
Talented students from Canterbury Academy performed Giraffes Can't Dance to the whole school. The performance had the whole school community in awe of what they saw. The performance was followed by a whole school workshop where we all learnt a dance full of lions, snakes and gorillas! What a fabulous experience for all.
Bird Table Design Competition
In term 4 Mrs Green organised and ran a whole school competition to design (and make) a bird table to marl this years RSPB big garden bird count. There was a fantastic response from all the children, making a very difficult judging task for Mrs Green and Mr Langley. In the end they chose 4 runners and 2 overall winners. Congratulations to the winners and very big well done to everyone that entered.
Running Club Santa Fun Run
Today (5th December) the running club, along with Mr Langley, Mrs Felicetti and Mrs Calzolari, completed the Santas on the Harbour fun run in aid of Pilgrims Hospice. All the children were able to complete the gruelling 3KM course, starting at the harbour, travelling up to the coastal park before turning back. All the children received a medal for their amazing effort and achievement.
Shepway District Football Year 6
A team of year 6 boys today represented the school brilliantly in the 'Councillor's Cup' football tournament at Three Hills.
The team showed amazing amounts of maturity, dedication, organisation and spirit. They were able to build on a very strong defensive base and good attacking skill to win their group and progress through the semi-final and into the final. In the end, their hard work and determination paid off with a TOURNAMENT WIN!
Maths X Art Photography Competition
Thank you so much to everyone that entered and took part in our first photo competition. The pictures supplied were all fantastic and it made choosing winners a real challenge! Have a look at our winning entries below.
East Cliff Creatives - Paper Beach Competition
Thank you to all the children, staff and families that helped by creating and submitting entries to the paper beach competition, we were really we represented! We finished an amazing second place overall! Well done again everyone.