Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Welcome to Early Years
The Early Years Foundation Stage is the education period for young people from birth to the age of 5 years old. In our Foundation Stage at Stella Maris Catholic Primary we have one reception class called the Imps Class.
Our Early Years Team
Class Teachers: Mrs Jukes (Monday - Thursday) and Mrs Roberts (Friday)
Class Teaching Assistants: Mrs Green, Mrs Sage, Miss Jones, Mrs Burrows and Mrs Dickenson
Our Expectations in EYFS.....
To have lots of fun in our learning and to make wonderful memories together.
To use our School Gospel Values of Love, Care, Share, Trust and Respect!
To have a positive attitude towards our learning and to embrace new challenges.
To become independent learners over the year.
Our Curriculum in Imps Class
Our curriculum enables there to be no limits or barriers to our children's achievements. We want all children to reach their God given potential. Our curriculum allows for high ambition and encourages all children to be deeply engaged. It also allows the children to build upon their love for learning. All children will be able to access our curriculum and together we overcome any difficulties!
"It is not how much we give, but how much love we put into the giving." Saint Teresa of Calcutta
Our Outdoor Learning
At Stella Maris, we absolutely love taking our learning outside. Our outdoor learning helps support our ambitious curriculum and allows all of our children to develop their knowledge and skills across all seven areas of learning. It also allows our children to learn through high levels of curiosity, concentration and enjoyment.
Seven Areas Of Learning
The resources we have created for Imps Class are made for our children to support their learning. We have created these resources with our children in mind, if you have any requests for further resources or require additional information, please let us know.
The PowerPoint images are used with the kind permission of Twinkl Educational Publishing. (c) Twinkl Ltd. All Rights Reserved
Maths Online Resources
Reading For Enjoyment
Little Wandle Resources
Other Useful Resources
New Parent Meeting- June 2024
Below you will find the presentation shown to parents with children starting school in September 2023.
In this presentation you will find all of the information to ensure a smooth transition into school. If you have any questions that are not answered in the slides, please do not hesitate to contact the school office and we will be happy to answer your queries.
In the presentation you will see a slide about 'Chatterboxes.'
Over the Summer we would like you to decorate a shoe box and fill it with some of your special things from home. You could include a toy, pictures/drawings or photos for example.
Do not include anything that will need to come back and forth from school, only items that you can cope with being away from home for a couple of weeks!
The box is then used in class to get the children to talk about themselves, what they like and allows everyone to learn a bit about them. It helps to build confidence in speaking and listening skills as they are talking about things that they know about.
Parent Presentation 2024