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“Do that which is honest.”

2 Corinthians 13:7

Sit quietly for a few minutes and listen to some calming music.  Think about honesty and what it means.  You can think of a prayer to say with your grown up



Learning objective: I can count to 50 by making 10s.


Today watch the video I can count to 50 by making 10s, pause when asked and have a go at the activities.  There is no worksheet today but you will need to find 5 groups of 10 objects to use.

Resources: objects to count, groups of 10 objects.


Remember to email me some photos of your learning to






Today’s phonics session will be at 11am on Zoom.  Please see log in details that were sent in an App message.

Over this week we will be exploring alternative pronunciations of graphemes i, o, c, g, u and learning to spell the tricky words little, one, do, when, what, out



Learning Objective: I can write a recount.

Watch the marmalade scene again.

  • Draw/sequence events from the part of the story, writing simple sentences.  You could make a story map.

Tomorrow we will be starting a big write piece.


Don’t forget to send your learning to me


(Please see food border paper attached at the bottom of the page or just use some paper of your own.)





Learning Objective: I can save a file.

I can save my content.


Discuss what the word save means. It means to store.  If we save our work, we are putting it on the computer so it does not go away. Adult to model and show the save button in frequently used programs. Support and enable saving of work. If you don’t have a computer you can just talk about this function with your grown up.  If you have a tablet you can watch the following video.


Continue to practise of your keyboard skills too, either on a laptop or PC or on the keyboard function of an iPad.
