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Thursday Home Learning- Hobbits Class

Good morning Hobbits!


I am really looking forward to seeing you today at 11.00 and 1.00 on Zoom. We will be doing Reading Comprehension and a fun competition in our first Zoom and there will be no second Zoom as it will be a Screenless Afternoon.

Have a wonderful day. 



Our theme in reflection this week is


Listen to this song and light a candle (with a grown ups permission) and take this moment to calm and quiet.

Think about all of the times you have told the truth and it has made the situation much better. 



This week in English we are going to have some investigative fun!

You have two days (Wednesday and Thursday) in your English lesson to find out and answer all of the clues. 


Have fun detectives!



We are focussing on Prepositions.

Today we are focussing on Prepositional Phrases.

Listen to this song. 


There is a worksheet at the bottom of the page. 

Red Group- Questions 9-12

Yellow Group- Questions 5-8

Green Group- Questions 5-7

Blue Group- Questions 1-3

Purple Group- Questions 1-4



  • Today’s Maths Learning

Week 4 Subtract Money - Watch the video and complete the questions in your books. The worksheet will be at the bottom of the sheet.



  • Try to do 30 minutes of Times Tables Rockstars- I shall be monitoring your progress!


Our focus this week is Multiplication. 

Today is Multiplication by Colouring. 

The sheet is at the bottom of the page. 

You have the rest of the week to finish these sheets. 


Reading Comprehension

See you on Zoom at 11!


There are no questions today instead I am inviting you to a story time where I will be reading our new Class Story Book that I will be reading you at the end of the days when we are back in school. 

This is intended to be a bit of fun as it is quite a silly book!



We will also be doing a competition after reading some of the story. This can get us some exciting new books for our school! All you need is a black pen and an A4 piece of paper (one page of your book).


Here is the link for the submission you need to submit it yourself over email

Here are the instructions. 

We will do this together over Zoom but you can do it independently too!


Screenless Afternoon

This afternoon I challenge you to be completely screenless. 

This means no telly, no iPads, no computers and no home learning and no Zoom at 1pm. 

There are some ideas of activities you can do at the bottom of the page. 


Keep in contact my email is send me pictures, your work or just for a chat!

Stay safe.


Lots of love,

Miss Storti xx

Maths Worksheet
