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Good Morning Unicorns!heart

Did you know?

Your nose and ears never stop growing!


Welcome back Unicorns – I hope you are all well rested and you have had a wonderful half term break. I cannot believe we are now into Term 4. I am very excited as our new project is all about London. Not Tudor London though, London through the late 20th Century and now the 21st Century. We will be studying Pop Art and learning about the famous band from the 1960s – The Beatles.



I cannot wait to see you all this morning for our first zoom call and reflection – I shall see you all at 9:00am. Please remember to use the same log in details as last time. 



The theme this week is Strength.

“The Lord is my strength and my shield. In him my heart trusts.”

Psalm 28:7


KS2 assembly with Mrs Huotari / Mr Langley at 9:40am   


Morning Lessons


LO: To begin finding the area of shapes.

Begin today’s session by watching this video ‘Shapes – same area’ Remember to pause the video and answer questions as it plays. Once you have finished have a go at today’s worksheet. And remember, just do what you can, if you are finding it difficult then leave those questions and let me know what you need help with.



Our new Power of Reading Text is called: ‘The London Eye Mystery’ by Siobhan Dowd. Before we start the text, I would like you to explore what you already know about London. Take a look at this skyline photograph of London, including the London Eye and a few other famous landmarks.


Can you begin by listing ten things that you can see in this photograph?

Can you write a simple recount of a time you have been to London? What have you seen? Where did you visit? What do you know about London already?


Or, maybe you have not been to London before – if not, can you write questions about what you would like to know? What would you like to see? Where would you like to visit?



Check out the London Comprehension for today. Here is the document for you. There are no answer sheets.


Join me at 12:00pm  where we will begin by reading Chapter 1 of our new book ‘The London Eye Mystery’.


Afternoon Lessons


We are now in the Season of Lent. Lent is a special time of praying together and sharing what we have. Lent is a time to notice God’s work and receive God’s mercy. Fasting, Charitable works (almsgiving) and prayer are the three traditional practices during Lent. Lent began on Ash Wednesday, which was February 17th. It lasts for 40 days and 40 nights and so ends on Easter Sunday.

Watch this clip to learn a little more:

Ash Wednesday & Lent in Two Minutes

Usually Lent is a time when we give something up too, have you given anything up for Lent this year?

Lent is a time to connect with God, especially through prayer. Today can you please write a Lenten prayer? Check out this TeaSPoon prayer starter to help get you started – What are you thankful for? Say Sorry… show repent for your wrong doings. What could you ask God for (please)?


You may have your own idea of a prayer that you would like to write for this season of Lent. It would be wonderful to gather these prayers to share for our morning reflections. Remember you can send your work to me at:


Here are some Lenten booklets for you to look at to choose one of them and have a go at the activities inside:


What is Electricity?

Our new unit this term is ‘Electricity’ – follow the link to the BBC Bitesize site to explore the answer to – What is electricity? It may be useful for you to begin making notes or maybe a little mind map in your remote learning book.


Hope you have all had a great day; it has been lovely to see most of you ‘virtually’ today. See you tomorrow at 9:00am.

Mrs Jessup. xx
