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Today is our last day of reflecting on forgiveness. Before we come back to school as a whole Dragons team I want you to take time this to reflect on anything that has happened during this lockdown that you need to ask forgiveness for. It could be someone in your family, a friend, someone at school or anyone else. What do you need to ask forgiveness for? Take these thoughts and your prayers before God and be calm and peaceful and in a place ready to come to school on Monday.


Today we are continuing to explore and look at fractions. Today is our last day of fractions and we are looking at calculating quantities.

The videos are found in the link below.


You can also access the videos by scanning the QR code below:


Alongside working through the video content, there is also a work sheet that will expand on calculating quantities.

English+Topic+Finishing Up

To finish our last day of remote learning and to conclude book week I have put below a few of the tasks from earlier in the week that you may still be doing or haven't started. Use these tasks to structure the rest of your day, it would be brilliant to get some last pictures of the things you have done.


I know I keep saying this to you all but you truly have been fantastic over the last 7 weeks of remote learning! Your dedication, attention, attitude, behaviour, commitment and resourcefulness has amazed me week to week. I can not wait to meet you all on Monday morning at the gates.


Keep safe and well this weekend and see you for fun and games this afternoon! :-)


Task 1

I would like you to choose your favourite character from any book you have ever read.

Why did you choose this character? Why did you go to them? Why did you pick them? Why are they special?


You character may have been a good character, may have been a bad character but they are special to you. You choose them for you and no one else. That makes them and you special! It means they are a friend you will always have to go and find no matter what!


I would like you to draw or download a picture of your favourite character from your favourite book. Then around  them I would like you write what makes them special to you.


Have a look at my version below. My character is called Jack West Jnr. and he comes from a series of adult books that start with 7 Ancient Wonders. He has taken me on great adventures around the world and is always there when I need a pick me up. This is my version of him below.

Task 2

This is a whole school project you may wish to take part in. We are encouraging you to create a "story in a box". This is an art and DT project to have a go at! You need to create a scene or section of any story you would like inside of a box for people to look into and explore! You can make these out of absolutely anything and they can feature anything you would like as well, as long as it comes from your story. You do not need to make this in a day, you can build it over the whole of book week. Below is the story in a box made by Mrs Harrison in the Unicorns!

Task 3

I would like you to create a reading den today. Create a space that you would like to go to and read. It can have a canopy, cushions, chairs, pictures, book, lights, music and anything else you think of creating. It is your special space and I would like you to enjoy being there. I have put some pictures up to help you out.

Task 4

Your last task of the day is to create a rainbow....
