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Our Maths Curriculum Statement: 

Our Maths curriculum at Stella Maris is used to promote a love of the core subject and enables our children to see how it is applicable to their everyday lives. We encourage our learning values of Independence, Interdependence, Challenge, Spirituality, Thinking and Creativity to ensure high standards of achievement and success for all our children.


Please see the 'Intent, Implementation and Impact' sections below to find out more about our Maths Curriculum at Stella Maris.   

Subject Leader for Maths: Mrs Jessup 

Our curriculum is based firmly on the White Rose Maths scheme - please see below the progression document which demonstrates how our curriculum links to the guidance provided in the National Curriculum. 

The document provides an overview from Years 1-6 so you can clearly see how the learning and skills are developed over time. 

There is also an overview for Early Years Foundation Stage showing how the Maths scheme of learning develops through the early years. 

Progression of Skills - White Rose Maths #MathsEveryoneCan

enlightenedPlease see a copy of our calculation policy for supporting parents and children with learning at home: 

Stella Maris Calculation Policy

Check below for useful links to support learning at home: