Prayer and Liturgy
Prayer and Liturgy at Stella Maris
Reflection is a really important part of life at Stella Maris. All year groups begin their day with reflection time. Our reflection monitors are also important as they help to plan, set up and take ownership of the reflection time, depending on which year group they are in.
"I used to believe that prayer changes things, but now I know that prayer changes us, and we change things." Saint Teresa of Calcutta
Reflection themes for each term...
Reflection at Stella Maris
Imps Reflection

Pixies Reflection

Elves Reflection

Hobbits Reflection

Dragons Reflection

Griffins Reflection

Christingle Service - December 2024
On Friday 20th December, the children, staff, governors and parents came together for the special Christingle service in our school hall. All of the children and staff spent the morning making their own Christingle and thinking about the meaning of each part, which they then lit during the Christingle service. Year 6 led the readings and prayers for the service and Christmas carols were sung by all. When all of the Christingles were lit, it was beautiful and was a reminder to us all of the birth of Christ, the light of the world.
EYFS and Key Stage One Nativity - December 2024
Early Years and Key Stage One performed their Nativity story for the rest of the school, parents, governors and staff and it was wonderful! the children worked together to tell the Nativity story with a twist! It reminded us all of the importance of Christmas and the story that is told by so many, all of the world.
"While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a Son. She wrapped Him in cloths and placed Him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them." Luke 2:4-6
Key Stage Two Carol Concert - December 2024
On Wednesday 11th December, Key Stage told the Christmas story through prayers, readings from the Bible and carols. Parents and governors were invited to the carol concert and each of children made a beautiful glass lantern which they used during the concert. It was a beautiful concert full of reflection and joy.
"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger." Luke 2:8-14
Blessing of the Advent Wreath - December 2024
On Monday 2nd December Fr Alex visited Stella Maris to bless our Advent Wreath. We lit the first candle that represents Hope, we said an Advent prayer and we sang some hymns together.
The candles represent the light of God coming into the world through the birth of his Son. The four outer candles represent the waiting during the period of Advent.

Remembrance Day Service - November 2024
On Monday 11th of November, Year 6 planned and facilitated a beautiful Remembrance service for their parents, governors, KCSP staff and members of the British Legion. The children wrote their own War poems, they wrote prayers and also helped us to reflect on all those who had lost their lives during this time. Both the poems and prayers were wonderfully written and the children were so respectful throughout.

Griffins Class Assembly - November 2024
On Thursday 7th November, the Griffins shared their wonderful assembly with us, all about their class saint, Saint Anthony of Padua. We learnt all Saint Anthony being a patron saint of lost things and how he has helped many people, in many different ways.
"Actions speak louder than words; let your words teach and your actions speak." Saint Anthony of Padua.

Pixies Class Assembly - October 2024
On Tuesday 22nd October the Pixies class taught us all about their class Saint, Saint Therese of Lisieux. The children shared the importance of doing things with great love, just like Saint Therese of Lisieux and how she always put her faith into her actions. The Pixies assembly reminded us that we can all do little kind things every day.
"I understood that all we accomplish, however brilliant, is worth nothing without love."
Saint Therese of Lisieux

Elves Class Assembly - October
On Tuesday 15th October the Elves shared their RE learning with us in their wonderful assembly. The Elves reminded us how beautiful God's world is and all the amazing things that surround us. The children also told us about the importance of doing things with a loving heart!
"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever." 1 Chronicles 16:34

Dragons Class Assembly - October 2024
On Tuesday 1st October the Dragons class shared their class assembly with the whole school. The assembly was all about Jesus' family tree and also our family tree here at Stella Maris. Dragons talked about how the importance of our Gospel Values within a family. Dragons sang a beautiful song and shared some prayers that they had written.
"Lord, bless my family and children. Give them hearts that follow after you. Give my family the strength to not be afraid. Give them the courage to stand up for what is right. Produce within them an attitude of integrity, giving their lives to giving you glory. Protect each family member under the shadow of your wings. Lord, help us to find our strength in you. Increase our unity and peace as we seek to follow after you. Amen"
Stella Maris Feast Day - September 2024
On Friday 27th September we celebrated Stella Maris' Feast Day. We celebrated our Feast Day with mass at Church, with Year 6 leading the readings and prayers. We sang and we thought about Mary, star of the Sea and light of the ocean. When we returned to school we continued our celebrations in our leaning.
"Mary, Star of the Sea, please pray for us and for our intentions. Like the North Star, you shine brightly in the heavens, offering us your unwavering light. Please, loving Mother, guide our steps, watch over us in our travels, and safeguard us from all harm and danger."
Imps Welcome Assembly - September 2024
On Monday 23rd September, the Imps welcome assembly took place. The lovely Imps and their families were welcomed into our Stella Maris family. The Unicorns introduced their Imp partners to our school community and a candle was lit for each Imp, as a reminder for each Imp to let their light shine! Prayers were shared and the children sang 'This Little light of Mine.'
Dearest God,
Thank you for the gift of education. As our Imps prepare to start their school year may confidence be their foundation, may grace be their guide and may they know that no matter what comes their way, they do not have to face it alone. Amen
KCSP Trust Mass - September 2024
On Tuesday 24th September some children from the Sunshine Team attended the KCSP Trust mass at Aylesford Priory. The mass was for all schools within the Trust and was a wonderful occasion to come together to celebrate the beginning of the year. The focus for the mass was 'Peace' and each school was asked to create a canvas to depict this theme.

Beginning of the year blessing - September 2024
On Friday 13th September, Deacon Barry visited Stella Maris to provide the children and staff with a beginning of year blessing. A blessing was given to each class and it was such a lovely way to start a new academic year.
"Lord Jesus, we ask for Your help as we begin this new school year. Allow me to experience Your presence in many blessings You put before us. Open my eyes to the new challenges and exciting opportunities that this new school year brings. Open my heart and mind to new friends and new teachers. Amen."

Year 6 Leavers Mass - July 2024
On Monday 15th July we held our Year 6 Leavers mass at Church and Fr Alex celebrated with us. The Year 6 children led the mass and we sand their favourite hymns . During mass the children received a cross each to take with them on their next part of their journey and a prayer card. The crosses were blessed by Fr Alex. It was a lovely celebration full of love and reverence.
"Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. " Deuteronomy 31:6
Parent and Child Prayer Breakfast - July 2024
On Thursday 11th July we held our last parent and child prayer breakfast for this academic year. The prayer breakfast was about how we have had a wonderful journey this year, however there have been bumps in the road, along the way. Sometimes people find the bumps a little tricky and the Imps were asked to think about what they would say to those who were struggling. You can watch the Imps video under the children tab, resource centre.
It was so lovely to see so many parents, children, staff and governors at the prayer breakfast....sharing in prayer and reflection, followed by breakfast.
Mary Service - May 2024
On Wednesday 22nd May we celebrated Mary with a service at school. It was a beautiful service with all of the children bringing flowers to lay beside Mary and Year 5 leading the prayers and readings. We sang hymns and said a decade of the rosary together. It was wonderful to share the service with governors and parents.
Ascension Day - May 2024
On Thursday 9th May we celebrated Ascension Day. We shared a reflection together, sharing the story from the Bible and reflecting on what we had heard. Where did Jesus go? Why did Jesus leave his disciples? What was the job that Jesus gave to his disciples? Who does this job now?
The children listened carefully to the story and made links with our Mission at Stella Maris, of building God's Kingdom.
"After he said this, he was taken up before their eyes, and he was taken into the heavens." Acts 1:9

Remembering our Mrs Terry - March 2024
At the end of March we had a memorial at school for our wonderful Mrs Terry, who worked at Stella Maris for over twenty seven years. Mrs Terry was such a beautiful soul and an important person in our Stella Maris family. We planted a tree called 'Stella' and we laid white roses by the tree, which were Carole's favourite! The tree was planted in Matthew's garden which is the same garden as where we planted a tree for her son Matthew. After the memorial, we had an afternoon tea to celebrate and remember tales of Carole.
The Story of the Crucifixion - March 2024
Year 6 shared the third part of the Easter story, the Crucifixion story with the rest of the school, parents and governors. Year 6 portrayed the story beautifully and it was such a lovely way to finish our Lenten journey at school.
"Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Luke 25:34

The story of the the Last Supper - March 2024
On Wednesday 27th March the Hobbits and Dragons beautifully told the next part of the Easter story, the Last Supper. The story was told to the school community and it certainly made us think about the impending betrayal of Jesus. Well done Hobbits and Dragons.
" While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, 'Take and eat; this is my body.' Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, 'Drink from it, all of you.' Matthew 26:26-29

The Story of Palm Sunday - March 2024
On Tuesday 26th March, the Imps, Pixies and Elves told the story of Palm Sunday to the other classes, parents and Governors. It was such a wonderful re telling of the story, full of reflection, prayers and singing.
“They took branches of palm trees and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” John 12:13

Lenten Parent and Child prayer, coffee and cake - February 2024
On Thursday 29th February we hosted a parent and child prayer, coffee and cake for anyone that wanted to join. We had lots of people from across the school. During the reflection we shared a story called the 'Three Trees.' It is a beautiful story about three trees and one of the trees was used to make the wooden cross that Jesus was nailed to. The story was about opportunities and how we need to remember that God always gives us opportunities!
Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." Luke 23:42

Lenten Mass - February 2024
On Friday 23rd February the whole school celebrated Lent with a mass at Church. Fr Alex said mass and Year 5 led the prayers and readings. It was a lovely celebration and we noticed that Fr was wearing purple, just like our focal points at school. Lent is the liturgical season of 40 days leading up to Easter Sunday and this starts with Ash Wednesday. It is one of the most important times of year for Catholics. Lent is seen as a very solemn time, with the preparation for the celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus at Easter.

Parent and Child Prayer Breakfast - January 2024
On Thursday the 11th January we held our first parent and child prayer breakfast for 2024. Parents, children and Governors were all invited to join us for reflection, time for prayer and breakfast. The theme for the prayer breakfast was kindness. Mother Teresa was a beacon of compassion and kindness. Her life embodied love and kindness in action and her legacy continues to remind us how kindness can ignite profound change. Mother Teresa told us 'kind words can be easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless.' The Imps class were asked to share some kind words and they created a video with these kind words for all to see.
It was so lovely to see so many families.
Christingle - December 2023
On Tuesday 19th December we finished the term with a beautiful Christingle service. In the morning, all of the children and staff made their own Christingles, which they then lit in the service. The Year 6 children led the readings and prayers, and each class led the signing, singing their chosen carol as the Christingles were lit. The Christingle symbolises the birth of Christ, the Light of the World and on this afternoon, the school was lit up with all of our Christingles. The Year 6 Parents and Governors were invited to share in the service.
"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." John 1:5
Advent Mass - December 2023
On Monday 4th December, the whole school walked to Our Lady Help of Christians, to celebrate Advent. The Griffins class led mass with the readings and prayers. During mass, the Advent wreath was lit and it was an opportunity for us all to think about the true meaning of Christmas, that of peace, love, hope and joy.
"Mary gave birth to Jesus and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger." Luke 2:7
All Saints' Day Mass - November 2023
On Wednesday 1st November we celebrated All Saints' Day with mass at school with Bishop Paul. We were very excited to welcome Bishop Paul to our school community and he told us all about his role as Bishop. Bishop Paul also spoke to us about what a Saint is. The year 6 children led the mass with the readings, prayers and offertory.
Our Lantern Walk for beautiful George - October 2023
On Thursday 19th of October we held a lantern walk in memory of our beautiful George. George's family and the rest of the whole school community were invited to join us. Every single child in school made a glass lantern to carry on the walk and we cannot believe how many people came to support. The school hall was full and people were stood outside. The evening began with some words about George, music was played whilst everyone came forward to collect a tea light to place in their lantern and then we set off on our very special lantern walk. The lights from the lanterns, on the dark evening, looked beautiful and shone bright for George. We returned back to school, placed our lanterns together on the stage and Ellie Rose, George's sister, played the guitar and sang a very special song. This was a treasured moment that will be remembered by all.
We were overwhelmed with the amount of love, support and kindness that filled the school hall on this evening....our hearts were full and we know George would have been smiling!
Deanery Mass for Staff and Governors - October 2023
Om Wednesday 18th October, staff and Governors from the Deanery gathered together to share mass, led by St. Richard's and Fr John Panario. The mass was beautiful and pupils from St. Edmund's led the singing with their wonderful choir.
"For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them. " Matthew 18:20
Hobbits Class Assembly- October 2023
On Monday 9th October, the Hobbits class told us all about their class Saint, Saint Teresa of Calcutta. We learnt so much about this wonderful lady and all the missions she carried out during her lifetime. Saint Teresa of Calcutta inspired so many with her words.
" Peace begins with a smile and every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing."

Griffins Class Assembly - October 2023
On Tuesday 3rd October, the Griffins told us all about their Class Saint.....Saint Albert the Great! The Griffins did an amazing job of telling us all about this wonderful Saint and why he was so special, they told his story to us and taught us many things e.g. during his lifetime he taught many things about law, chemistry, friendships etc. The Griffins finished their assembly with a prayer and a beautiful song.

KCSP Welcome Mass - September 2023
On Wednesday 27th September we participated in the KCSP Welcome Mass at Aylesford priory. Mass was outside which was lovely and it was wonderful to see the other schools in our Trust family. We sang, we prayed and we reflected. After mass we had a picnic in the garden.

Imps Welcome Assembly - September 2023
On Tuesday 18th September we had our Welcome assembly for the newest members of our school family. The Imps were introduced to the school by their Unicorn buddies and they then lit a candle. The candle represents their journey at Stella Maris and how we will all help to keep their little light burning. The Imp families were also welcomed into our community.
Parent and child prayer breakfast - June 2023
On Thursday 22nd June we invited parents and children to attend our last Parent and child prayer breakfast for the academic year. The theme for prayer breakfast was blessings. The word blessing appears around 67 times in the bible and in these references, it means God's favor, happiness or gift from God. We have many blessings here at Stella Maris and our children are our biggest and most precious blessings. The Imps were asked to share their blessings and helped to create a beautiful video. The video can be found under the video resource centre for all to enjoy.
Don't forget to count your blessings, hug your blessings and be a blessing!!!

First Holy Communion - June 2023
On Sunday 11th June, some of our children made their First Holy Communion. It was a very special day for them all, surrounded by their families, friends and members of our school community. We also celebrated these children in assembly and presented them with a special keepsake candle. We spoke about how the word Eucharist means thankful and we thought about all the things that we are thankful for.
"As they were eating, Jesus took some bread and blessed it. Then he broke it in pieces and gave it to his disciples saying 'take this and eat it, for this is my body.' And he took the cup of wine and blessed it."
Matthew 26:26

Mass for Mary - May 2023
On Wednesday 3rd May we celebrated Mary, our Mother, with a beautiful mass on the school field. Fr Alex celebrated mass with children, staff, governors and parents. The Dragons class led the prayers and readings and all the children took flowers, that they had either made, picked from their garden or bought, to Mary during the offertory. Some of the children had written prayers and made cards for Mary which was lovely.
But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. Luke 1:30
The story of the Crucifixion - March 2023
On Thursday 30th March the Griffins and Unicorns told the next part of the Easter story, the story of the crucifixion. They did an amazing job of retelling the story in such a compassionate, thoughtful and respectful manner.
"When they had crucified him, they divided up his clothes by casting lots. 36 And sitting down, they kept watch over him there. 37 Above his head they placed the written charge against him: this is jesus, the king of the jews." Matthew 27:35

The story of the Last Supper - March 2023
On Wednesday 29th March, the Hobbits and Dragons told the next part of the Easter story, the story of the Last Supper. The story was told through readings, acting and images displayed. The classes were very thoughtful in how they told the story and gave us time at the end to reflect upon what we had seen and heard.
And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.” Luke 22:19

The Story of Palm Sunday - March 2023
On Tuesday 28th March the Imps, Pixies and Elves shared the story of Palm Sunday with the rest of the school. It was such a joyous assembly with lots of singing, prayers and story telling. The Elves and Pixies did a wonderful job reading the story and acting it out. The Imps did a great job waving their palm leaves and the singing from them all was beautiful!
"They took branches of palm trees and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" John 12:13

Our Lenten Breakfast - March 2023
On Friday 24th March, the children were invited to wear their pyjamas to school and to share in our Lenten breakfast. The children made a donation and as a school, we raised just over £200 for the Turkey and Syria Earthquake Appeal (chosen by the Sunshine Team). During the Lenten breakfast there was time for prayer, a reflection based around the Easter story and the lead up to this, as well as music and stillness.
"I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live." John 11:25
Sunshine Team Candle and Prayer Service - March 2023
On Wednesday 15th March the Sunshine Team led a candle and prayer service for the people of Turkey and Syria. The children planned the service in their Sunshine Team meetings and invited the school community to join us. Prayers were said, scripture was read, music was played and candles were lit. There were also reflections with time to pause and think. It was such a lovely service and we were so proud of the Sunshine Team, keeping the people of Turkey and Syria in their thoughts and prayers. The Sunshine Team finished the service with a quote from Mother Teresa of Calcutta:
'Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not yet come, we only have today so lets begin.'
Our Lenten Prayer Tree - March 2023
Throughout Lent we will be praying for all of those people whose names have been placed on our Lenten prayer tree. Children, staff, families and governors have all been invited to put a name on the tree if there is someone they would like us to think of and say a prayer for during Lent. All of the people on our tree will be thought of.
We pray for everyone who is sick or afraid, bereaved or isolated around the world; and we pray for all who support them. May God grant each of them peace and comfort, courage and perseverance.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Ash Wednesday - 22nd February 2023
On Wednesday 22nd March, Fr Saba came to school to distribute ashes to the whole school. Ash Wednesday is a holy day that marks the first day of Lent. It is day for fasting and prayer.
Celebrating the Feast of Epiphany - Friday 6th January 2023
We celebrated the feast of Epiphany in a whole school Mass. We all walked to Church and celebrated with Fr Alex. It was a beautiful service with the Unicorns class doing the readings and the Griffins class leading the prayers.
Epiphany is the celebration of the three Wise Men arriving to visit the baby Jesus and is celebrated on the twelfth day of Christmas. The Wise men from the East followed a star to find Jesus, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
"Where is the new born King of the Jews? We saw his star at it's rising and have come to do him homage." Matthew 2:2

Christingle Service - 16th December 2022
On Friday 16th December we held our Christingle service at school and it was beautiful. Each child made a Christingle and it was lit in the afternoon service. We had prayers and readings led by the Unicorns class and we sang Christmas Carols as each class lit their Christingle. What a lovely way to end the term.
“The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world."
Luke 1:9
Advent Prayer Breakfast - Thursday 1st December 2022
On Thursday 1st December we invited all the children and their families to join us for an advent breakfast. The breakfast started with a reflection about the Christmas story and prayers were said. The children went to enjoy breakfast in their classrooms with their friends and teachers, and the parents stayed in the hall to enjoy coffee and pastries. It was wonderful to see so many of our families at the advent breakfast.
Advent is a very special time, a time when an important story is told to so many and told to people all over the world. The story is one of hope, of peace, of family. It is a story of humility, of love and of goodwill. It does not matter how times change and how things move on; the story can always be shared. Wherever in the world we may be, the story always carries the same messages. The message that we can always redirect our steps when things become challenging. The message that we can always show love and kindness towards others. The message that we can always help those around us with small and simple gestures. As you listen to the music, take a quiet moment to think about what the story means to you and how there is always hope!
Celebrating All Saint's Day - Tuesday 1st November 2022
Fr Alex came in to school to celebrate mass with us for All Saint's Day. The Unicorn Class led the readings and the bidding prayers for us and we celebrated as a whole school. During mass, Fr asked us to think about what makes a person a Saint and to also think about the word 'Holy.' Was there a difference?

Parent and Child Prayer Breakfast - Thursday 20th October 2022
On Thursday we welcomed our families to school to share a Parent and Child Prayer breakfast. It was absolutely wonderful to see 60 people attend. The prayer breakfast was all about our School Mission and the newest members of our school community shared their thoughts on the tools we use for our Mission of Building God's Kingdom. There was time to pray, reflect and eat together. We also shared the Class Big Books with our families.
Harvest Celebration - Monday 10th October 2022
On Monday 10th October we celebrated harvest with a whole school celebration. Each class thought about harvest in their learning and shared some of their work in the celebration. Unicorn class told us all about harvest around the world. We heard lots of interesting facts! Griffins class shared a gorgeous harvest festival poem that they had written together. Dragons class told us all about some harvest bread that they had made in class and also showed us their breads, they were beautiful and so carefully made. Hobbits shared some great harvest poems and sang a harvest song. Elves class sang a samba all about vegetables and showed us some of their vegetable paintings. Pixies class sang the lovely dingle dangle scarecrow song and Imps class sang their little seed song whilst doing some actions. It was wonderful to see all the learning that had taken place and it was a little reminder of how should appreciate all that we have.
KCSP mass at Alyesford Priory - Wednesday 28th September 2022
On Wednesday 28th September, Dragons Class celebrated mass with all of the schools in our Kent Catholic Schools Partnership. It was a very special mass at Aylesford Priory, mass was outside and the sunshine was shining! Archbishop John Wilson said mass and all of the schools in the partnership took part. The Dragon class children participated in the offertory, read some bidding prayers and took part in the welcome procession. It was such a beautiful day and lots of new friends were made.
Welcoming our Imps and their Families - Tuesday 20th September 2022
On Tuesday 20th of September, we welcomed out Imps and their families to our Stella Maris family. The Imps were introduced to the rest of the school community by their Unicorn partners and it was a very special moment. The Unicorns also helped their Imp light a candle, a small reminder that it is all of our jobs to help the Imps burn bright. It is also a reminder that Jesus is the light of world and he is with us on our journeys. We said some prayers for the Imps and their families and we sang together.
"I am the light and the salvation." Psalm 27.1

Reflection and Prayer for HM Queen Elizabeth II - Monday 12th September 2022
On Monday 12th September 2022, all of the children and staff were invited to bring in flowers to lay in our Peace Garden for the Queen. The children shared a special reflection and prayer for the Queen in their classes, and then went to lay their flowers in the Peace Garden. It was beautiful! Some children wrote prayers and message at home and attached them to their flowers.
Loving God,
We give thanks for your servant, Queen Elizabeth.
We thank you for her kindness, her faith and her dedication to duty.
May her example inspire us all,
through Jesus Christ Our lord,
Blessing for Staff and Pupils - Monday 12th September 2022
Fr Saba came into school on Monday 12th September to bless all of the staff and children. It was a beautiful way to start the academic year.
Year 6 Leaver's Mass - Monday 11th July 2022
On Monday 11th July the whole school walked to Church to celebrate our Year 6 pupils with Fr Alex. The children led the singing, bidding prayers and readings for the mass. At the end of mass, each of the Year 6 children received a beautiful crucifix which had been blessed by Fr Alex. The crucifix is a reminder that the Lord is always with them. We leave our wonderful Year 6 with some words from Oscar Romero
"Aspire not to have more but to be more."

Mass For Mary - Friday 13th May 2022
On Friday 13th we celebrated Mary with a very special mass outside. Fr Saba came to say mass for us and the children laid flowers for Mary. It was a beautiful mass, and there were so many flowers. The Griffins class led the mass with the readings and bidding prayers.

Candlelight Prayer for the People of Ukraine - Wednesday 30th March 2022
On Wednesday 30th March the Sunshine Team led a candlelight prayer service for the people of Ukraine. Our School community were invited to the service after school, where the Sunshine Team read some thoughts and prayers. Everyone that attended was asked to light a candle for Ukraine whilst listening to some music. The hall looked beautiful as the candles were lit, and we were left with some words from Francis of Assisi who said "all the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle."
Ash Wednesday - 2nd March 2022
Today the whole school celebrated Ash Wednesday, the start of the Lenten season. We attended a beautiful service in our school hall, lead by Fr Alex Saba. Fr Alex spoke to us all about how Lent is a time for prayer, a time for fasting and a time for giving. During the service we remembered the people of Ukraine and we asked God to hold them in his loving care and protection, to give them strength to endure their suffering and to grant wisdom on the world leaders in advancing efforts towards peace.

Parent and Child Prayer breakfast - February 2022
On Thursday 24th February we invited our school community to come to school at 8:15am to pray and reflect together before the school day started. The theme for this prayer breakfast was LOVE. We shared some scripture from Corinthians "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast." We also thought about what love means to us and the Imps class shared a video all about what love means to them. The video is called 'love is.....' and it can be found under the children tab, video resource centre, Imps 2021-2022.
We finished the prayer breakfast with a prayer from our School prayer book, read by Tess from the Dragons class. Families stayed for coffee and pastries afterwards. It was wonderful to have so many families attend.
The Imps role play area becomes a Church!

Harvest Parent and Child Prayer Breakfast - October 2021
Parents and children were invited to join us in school for a Harvest Parent and Child Prayer Breakfast. It was such a lovely reflection, helping us to think about thanksgiving and harvest time. The Imps children helped to create a video to share, telling us all about the things they are thankful for. We listened to a song called 'The Blessing' and thought about what we were thankful for. We also prayed together to say thank you for all of the things we have and asked for help for those who are struggling.
We then shared breakfast together. It was lovely for the children the children to share with their families the importance of reflection at Stella Maris.
If you would like to watch the Imps beautiful video, it can be found in the resource centre, Imps videos 2021-2022

Thinking about Mary in the Month of May....
The children and staff shared a reflection about Mary and then spent some time outside with Mary in the Peace Garden. The children were invited to lay flowers, say prayers etc. Some of the children wrote their own prayers to Mary at home. The flowers were then placed beside our whole school display dedicated to Mary.
Children's contributions to Reflection

Video Resources For Reflection at Home
Music Resources for Reflection at Home
Prayer Ideas