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Young Carers

At Stella Maris we recognise how important it is to support all of our families and understand that family life is not always easy. We have recently tried to identify all our Young Carers, children who take on responsibility for caring for someone at home. This may be a sibling, parent, grandparent, auntie or uncle. Any child can be a Young Carer and we know the importance of the support they receive and the importance of knowing they are not alone.



A Young Carer is a young person under the age of 18 who is caring unpaid for a family member who has a physical illness, has a physical disability, a mental health condition, or misuses substances. This can be a parent, sibling, grandparent, in fact any member of their family.


A Young Carer quite often takes on responsibilities that would normally be expected of an adult. Research suggests in the UK there are as many as 1 in 5 children in high school who are Young Carers.  Many do not realise they are a Young Carer. No matter how big or small their caring role, many Young Carers say that it has an impact on their wellbeing as they spend a lot of time worrying about their loved ones when they are not with them.


For many Young Carers, caring can have positive and rewarding aspects, however we know that many Young Carers may need extra support to enjoy, achieve and reach their full potential in school.  This can only happen if they are supported effectively. In order to do this we are working closely with IMAGO to achieve the Young Carers in School Award. 


If you feel that your child maybe a young carer , you can use the link below to refer your child.

Young Carers informal chat with Beccy

On Friday 22nd November Beccy Goddard came and had hot chocolate and spent time with our Young Carers , we had a lovely chat with her, the children loved meeting Beccy.

Young Carers Assembly

On Monday 21st October ,We welcomed  Beccy Goddard our new Young Carers (Imago) representative, she  gave an assembly to explain what a Young Carer is.

Tuesday 4th November , Beccy joined some parents for a coffee afternoon, she talked about what a young carer is , what Imago do to support young carers and answered any questions.

Young Carers Transition Festival 2024



Our Year 6 Young Carers had an amazing time at the Three Hills today!

They took part in lots of activities and were put in groups with other children that will be going to the same secondary schools. It was lovely to see new friendships being made and hopefully when they go off to their secondary school they will recognise a familiar face. 

Thank you to Sarah from The Sports Trust & Tina from IMAGO for organising such a fun day!

Thank you to Asda for their kind donations of plain cupcakes, icing sugar and sprinkles. Also Morrisons for cupcakes. 

These were all used for a lovely chilled session this afternoon. A pink box with cakes , icing sugar and sprinkles. A pile of cupcakes and some craft activities in bags

Craft and Cake session.

Year 6 Transition Day at Three Hills 


Our Year 6 Young Carers had an amazing time at the Three Hills today! They took part in lots of activities and were put in groups with other children that will be going to the same secondary schools. It was lovely to see new friendships being made and hopefully when they go off to their secondary school they will recognise a familiar face. 

Thank you to Sarah from The Sports Trust & Tina from IMAGO for organising such a fun day!

Fire Pit Fun!


One Wednesday 15th March our Young Carers enjoyed toasted marshmallows and a story around the fire pit. We discussed that it was actually Young Carers Action Day, we all decided to go into the hall and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate while we made posters. Check out our pictures!

Toasted marshmallows and hot chocolate! Yummyyyyy!

Young Carers Assembly

Young Carers Awareness Assembly


On Wednesday 8th February, Stella Maris held a Young Carers awareness assembly. We invited Tina from IMAGO to come in and explain to us all about Young Carers. Tina spoke to the children about some of the work she does to support Young Carers and shared a power point with the whole school. The children had the opportunity to ask lots of questions. 

Scooter Lesson @ F51 

On Wednesday 5th October the Young Carers went to the new skate park in Folkestone called F51. The children enjoyed 2 hours of scooter fun. Have a look at the great photos!

Kidz Planet!

On Wednesday 29th June we took our Young Carers to let off some steam at Kidz Planet. All the children had a great time chasing each other and having lots of fun. We even had some brave carers have a go on the red drop slide! Have a look at some of the pictures of our Young Carers on their final trip of this  academic year. 

Pizza Making!!


On Wednesday 30th April we all went to Lubens in Folkestone. The head chef showed us how to stretch our dough and then we were able to create our own pizzas using a range of ingredients. They were very accommodating especially when one of the children asked for broccoli to go on their pizza! 

Hollie and the team at Lubens were wonderful with the children - so kind and patient.

Take a look at some of the pictures!


On Wednesday 2nd February we took our Stella Maris Young Carers for an afternoon of tobogganing! The children and adults had so much fun. It was really lovely to witness new relationships being formed within the group. Here are some photos of our trip. 
