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History - our class seaside museum

DT - Making Fruit Salad - learning the importance of having five pieces of fruit of vegetables a day

History - Pixies visited the Leas Cliff Lift and looked at the carriages and in the Pump Room. They also had a play in the Coastal Park before we walked back to school.

Where does food come from? Pixies planted broad beans and took them home to watch them grow.

Science - Are all tree trunks the same?

Maths - making arrays

Science - Seasonal Change - signs of Spring

Maths - recognising equal groups

Geography - finding animals that live in our surroundings - making bug hotels

Science - What part of a plant is in the ground?

Science - identifying plants in our grounds

Geography - drawing a map of our school and identifying human and physical features.

Maths - finding heavier and lighter

Art - exploring natural resources just like the artist Andy Goldsworthy

Palm Sunday Assembly - Imps, Pixies and Elves

History - The changes that have happened in the Tower of Londoin

Art - Book illustrating on Book Day

Art - Pixies made pointillism mood boards

On Tuesday we visited Wood Avenue Library as part of our preparations for Book Week.

Mabel the dog visited us with her mummy, Laura.

History - We role played being Florence Nightingale and then a nurse came to visit us and we took each other's temperature and pulse and talked about Florence Nightingale.and compared hospitals now and in the past.

Art - Drawing with line, shape and colour

Art - Our Great Fire of London artworks

Science Week - we tested different materials in sand timers and tested out how long the timers took.

Science Week - Music Workshop - how music affects our brains

Science Week - We watched a PHSE show about how to keep our minds and bodies healthy.

English - The Pixies tasted marmalade and used adjectives to describe it.

Parts of the Body

In RE a special visitor came to see up to talk about how she helps us and the community.

Christmas Party and Magic Show

Week 7 English - The Pixies acted out another story from the The Story Tree. This time it was a story from India called Monkey See, Monkey Do.

RE - Mrs Jessup brought her baby in and we role played a Baptism.

Week 6 - Science - we heated materials and predicted what would happen and then we observed the change.

English - The Pixies found their own magic porridge pot at the fire pit. They closed their eyes and said "boil pot boil" and the pot became full. We all tasted the porridge with blackberries, just like in our story.

Geography - This week we learnt all about Scotland.

Art - The Pixies created an artwork in the style of Corey Barksdale, using primary and secondary colours.

Week 5 - Science - We looked at Seasonal Change and thought about the changes that happen in Autumn

English - Acting out the story at the Billy Goat Gruff Bridge

Black History - We learnt about King Zumbi from Brazil who was a freedom fighter who fought for slaves to be freed.

Geography - The Pixies continued to learn about the UK and focused on Wales.

Week 4 - Science - identifying objects and describing how their properties feel, e.g. rough, smooth, bumpy etc

English - The Pixies worked with a partner to sequence the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Geography - The Pixies learnt about Northern Ireland and its landmarks.

Art - The Pixies used their mood boards to make prints with pastels and silver foil.

Week 3 - Science - thinking about the properties of objects and describing how they feel

Art - making mood boards inspired by Corey Barksdale's art

Maths - less than <, greater than > and equals to =

Mr Langley rescued a small pigeon from the sensory room. It seemed to have fallen down the chimney. He brought it in to show us. It survived and was well.

Week 2 - Counting backwards in maths

Geography - we looked at animals and food of the UK and recapped where the four countries are on a map

Art - this week we used our fingers to paint our Cauliflower cards which will be coming home soon for you to order in time for Christmas!

Science - we played Kim's game, identifying missing objects by their name and property and then found objects around the classroom to sort.

Week 1 - English - Our Story Tree Power of Reading Project

Science - Sorting objects by the materialss they are made from.

Geography - Countries of the UK, England and Folkestone
