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Intent in RE

Religious Education at Stella Maris is designed to help the children understand the place of God in the world, to know how they can respond to that understanding through religion, and to be able to use that knowledge and understanding in their daily lives so that they can all contribute to building God’s kingdom in their community.


Our RE curriculum reflects both our Ethical Values - Love, Trust, Respect, Care and Share - and our Learning Values - Challenge, Creativity, Independence, Interdependence, Thinking and Spirituality.  We ensure that Spirituality in particular is at the root of our teaching - we want the children to ask deeper questions and look for meaning in the world around them, to value difference in others and not just tolerate them, to make good choices even when no one is watching and to know that their life matters.


Above all we want them to know that they are loved and to learn about ways in which they can respond to that love, supported by the teachings of the Church about social justice, care for creation, and faith and morals.


"The Child is the beauty of God present in the world."   Saint Teresa of Calcutta
