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Term 4

Easter nests

We made Easter cards in RE

Our Easter Assembly

We raised £131 for Cafod during our Lent fundraising sponsored silence. We chose the gifts we bought together.

ICT - We thought about electronic messages and we sent an email to Mrs Tidd in the office and then she replied.

In Science on Monday we looked for animals around school and then categorised them according to what they eat.

Road Safety Workshop on Thursday 16th March

KCSP Science Day - The Pixies worked with the Imps to conduct a simple Chemistry experiment involving ink and water.

RE - We made Egg Heads during Lent to help us think about growth and change.

History - We had some special visitors to talk to us about their memories of the Queen's Coronation in 1953.

Art - making a mood board inspired by the art of George Seurat

Science - sorting animals by the food they eat

Story Time in Lithuanian - Benas's mum came in to read us a story.

Visit to Waterstones

On Wednesday the Police came to visit and the Pixies explored their Police car!

Book Illustrators in Art
