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Subject Leader for Art: Mrs Langley

Progression of skills in Art and Design

Have you noticed the wonderful artwork on display by some our younger classes? Look at how they have used paint and repetitive floral patterns. The dark backgrounds are very effective for showing up the colours!

KS2 Art Club have finished their posters of affirmations! We worked on them for 5 sessions and learnt all sorts of techniques from font writing to drawing styles.

Art Club is up and running again in Term 5. This time we have a focus on 'lettering'. We are creating inspirational, illustrative posters. Here are a few examples of this work in progress.

The Griffins have been creating wonderful space scenes related to their topic this term. I really love the tiny, delicate stars in the background and their choice of different materials.

If you walk down the Stella Maris corridor, you will see lots of beautiful artwork on display!

Beautiful, moody watecolour work by the Unicorns class which is linked to their WW1 project. Look at the delicate poppies and the lovely marks they were able to make with paint!

Here is Art Club being very busy at Stella Maris!

The Griffins headed out in the rain for an art walk around Folkestone. We were keen to spot some of the amazing Trienniel work we had been talking about in class. We loved seeing the Folkestone Banksy and hearing the story of it's re-location to the Old High Street. We spotted some Patrick Corillon and Tracey Emin work too!

The Hobbits have been putting together some mood-boards, ready to inspire their artwork this term! Look at the lovely textures and colours they have been using!

Congratulations to Orla who has won an art competition, which was run by the charity 'Mind'. The former Griffins class wrote, or drew, 'what makes you happy'. The winning creations are on display in the Mind charity shop in Hythe. Orla has been given a voucher for her efforts-we hope she spends it on art supplies!

Have a look at this fabulous artwork by one of our Pixies! She has been using lines to create an image of the Great fire of London.

Teachers are being creative this week in the Art and Design staff meeting! Well done teachers!

It looks as if there is an infestation of rats in Pixies class! They have been developing the skill of using lines to create shape and have been sketching the plague rats. I hope they catch them all soon!

Stella Maris is looking quite beautiful this festive season! Each class has created a display based on a Christmas Carol, and look how lovely they are!

The Elves have been learning about a wonderful book called 'Leaf'. Having been inspired by environmental artist Tim Pugh, and the amazing illustrations from their class book, the Elves have created some fabulous artwork!

The Hobbits have been learning about colour theory in their art lessons this week. They have been doing some wonderful colour mixing and blending. These skills will really help them when they paint later on in their project.

Our Elves had an exciting art lesson this week where they discussed the work of Tim Pugh. The pupils chatted about the colours, shapes and forms they could see. Their favourite question to answer was "What does the art remind you of?"

This term we have started a new art club to teach traditional drawing techniques to KS2 pupils. We have been concentrating on line, tone and texture. Watch this space to see how they get on over the next few weeks.

When one of our Pixies was in London she noticed this piece of art and told her adult "I know this painting!" How amazing to see a Matisse painting! Well done for spotting it!

What a wonderful tribute, from the Elves, for our late Queen. The class have created delicate paintings of the Queen's favourite flower-a Lilly of the Valley.

At Stella Maris we love when the pupils get creative in choosing time! Izzy in Pixies has drawn this fabulous mermaid-look at how good her proportions are!

It was an amazing afternoon at Chari Vari. The Dragons class made their own costumes and took part in a spectacular parade. They danced all the way through Folkestone to the sound of the samba drums!

We Won! Well done to everyone for their hard work-we won the KCSP art competition! Emilia in Imps class won in her category, and Iris and Nancy both received highly commended by the judging panel!

We had a Greek day to celebrate the end of our learning. We made Greek crowns and Greek food. It was a boiling hot day so we recorded some 'Mini Olympics' events on the field. Look at the amazing costumes!

The Year 5 class were lucky enough to be visited by teachers and pupils from Brockhill school. They designed and made clay tiles which will be fired in a kiln and dropped back to school!

Look at these wonderful entries for the KCSP art competition! The whole school was involved. The theme was 'Sustainability'. Watch this space to see if we get placed!

The whole school was involved in this wonderful, creative celebration of the Queen's Jubilee. Each class was given two canvasses and an outline to work with. I think you'll agree that we have a creative school-look at all the different techniques that were used!

The Griffins class had a trip to the Glassworks-Block 67. We were treated to an amazing art workshop where we looked at the art of Stephenie Burgman. You can find her work dotted all around Folkestone as part of this years Triennial. The Griffins were inspired to draw with clay and create little sculptures which were based on medical implements and blood. We loved being out in a new space, learning from professional artists!

The Griffins have finally finished their observational drawings of wolves. They spent three weeks working on tone, texture and backgrounds of these artworks. Look at the beautiful gallery of work!

We are so impressed with the creative talents of our Dragons class! They have been looking at paper art and collage based on the jungle. They have designed beautiful, 3D artworks. We really love the detail in these pieces!

The Pixies have been looking at another artist's work to inspire their work! They had a fabulous discussion about what the work reminded them of, and they tried to create a piece of art in that style. I think you'll agree that they have done a great job! I have added the original image for you see too. Well done Pixies-so creative!

Look at what the Griffins have been getting up to in Art! Our story is called Wolf Brother and we have been using our text to inspire our artwork. We have been looking at the Formal Elements in art with a focus on Texture and Tone. The Griffins have been trying out lots of different textures with a view to being able to draw wolf fur accurately. I can't wait to see what their drawings will look like!

The Griffins were studying the photography of Karl Blossfeldt. They analysed his work and they tried his photographic style too!

The Imps have painted portraits of their friends. Well done Imps, you have used your paintbrushes really well!

Each year group at Stella Maris contributed to our beautiful Mary display. As you can see there was lots of cross-curricular art going on! The Hobbits made a wonderful display in their classroom too.

We are so lucky to live in an up and coming art town. Every three years we are blessed with the arrival of the Triennial. Artists from all over the world exhibit their artworks in and around our town. Sometimes the artists leave their work behind for us to enjoy. The Unicorns had a fabulous Zoom art session finding out about the life and work of one of the current Triennial artists. The work they have produced is creative and individual. It's so nice to see pupils at Stella Maris creating personal, different and informed artwork.

It looks as if Jackson Pollock has visited the Dragons class! Great to see our pupils creating some abstract art! In a recent Pupil Voice session, about project books, the Dragons were able to chat confidently about artists they were studying and why they might create their work.

The Pixies Class have been looking at the work of nature artist Andy Goldsworthy. They have been outside to create their own work in his style. If you get a chance, look at Andy Goldsworthy's ice sculptures-they are magical!

Displays are an important way of showcasing our creativity at Stella Maris. Look at the creative way our windows are being used across the school!

East Cliff Creatives Easter Project! Collaboreggs!

Griffins used oil pastels to create artwork inspired by the surface of Mars!
