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Areas for Development

Our 3 areas of development, according to our action plan:


1) Litter - we are hoping to set up a system where each class maintains their own classroom and playground area in the short term, with posters and compost buckets etc. In the longer term we have been invited to take part in local schemes too! 


2) Biodiversity - When the Eco Council carried out our school audit, many children did not know what the word meant.  The Eco Council are going to produce a PowerPoint about what it is and how it impacts on all of our lives.  


3) Rubbish - We would like to reduce the amount of rubbish we produce (most especially in packed lunches) such as cling film and silver foil.  We are going to ask the children in school to gather up plastic take away containers, which we will decorate and show all children how this recycling helps to reduce rubbish.
