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This morning we shall start our Zoom lesson at 9.30 with a short Reflection which will lead us into this morning’s learning.



“Be strong and let your heart take courage, all you who hope in the Lord.”

Psalm 31:24

Sit quietly for a few minutes and listen to some calming music.  Think about courage and what it means to pray.  You can think of a prayer to say with your grown up


The start of this lesson will follow on from our Reflection on our 9.30 Zoom call.

Learning Objective: I know the love and care shown in a family during a meal.

I know that Catholics go to mass to share a special meal.

Special Meals


After our Zoom input –

  • Create and decorate a place mat that they can use at their next family meal. Encourage the children to use words on their place mat that remind us to love etc.




Today’s phonics session will be at 11am on Zoom.  Please see log in details that were sent in an App message.

Today we will be learning about the split digraph o_e as in "rope", "explode" and "alone".  We will be recapping previously learnt sounds including i_e, ey, oe, au, ew, ph, wh and the tricky words said, so, have, like, Mr, Mrs, looked, called, asked, people, their, oh


Learning objective: I can subtract not crossing 10. (you will need to copy this link and paste in a browser)





Today watch the subtract not crossing 10 video and pause when asked.  Answer questions 1, 2 and 3 on the worksheet when prompted.

Resources: 10 frames and some counters.


(please see subtract not crossing 10 worksheet at the bottom of the page.)



Learning Objective: I can create a portrait.

Look at and discuss classic portraits with your grown-up.  Experiment with lines etc to create your own portrait of Florence Nightingale.  We will find out more about her in History on Thursay but for now watch the video below.



Share your portraits at and I will put them in the Gallery.
