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Good Morning Unicorns!laugh

Why was six afraid of seven?

Because seven eight nine!.



Join me for our 9:00am reflection to start the last week of the term. I will not keep you for too long today as I am excited for you to start your English and watch the final episode of Macbeth.



The theme this week is Honesty

“Do that which is honest.”

2 Corinthians 13:7


Morning Lessons


LO: to sequence events from a story in detail.

Finally, the moment you have all be waiting for – it is time for the last episode of Macbeth – ‘Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane.’ I really hope you have enjoyed the story – in our Zoom later I shall finish reading the story from our Shakespeare book to you.


Activity: Today I would like you to sequence the story of Macbeth. I have attached a document for you to read the parts of the story and match them to a picture. The worksheet gives you two options for the story sequencing so you can chose with one you prefer each time. If you have a printer you could print these out, read them and stick them in your remote learning book. If you do not have a printer then you can copy the sequence from the sheet – or, why not write your own? Sequencing the events is exactly like a story map. You may just wish to create your own story map. Any questions of if you are stuck then please do email me


Like last week, can you please go to our PiXL resources page – Remote learning > PiXL resources > GPS. Click the GPS tab. Explore the different resources uploaded for you and choose one of the worksheets to have a go at this morning. All the worksheets are on word classes – so maybe choose the one you feel least confident at. 

You can also follow this link to BBC bitesize : Watch the different clips to help you revise and re-cap.



Choose from one of these ’60 second read’ activities from Twinkl – you may even have time to do two, if not all of them. They are all ‘Tudor’ themed:


ArithmeticMrs Jessup’s museum of mistakes – Can you spot the errors and correct them?

LO: to work our percentages of an amount focusing on – 10%, 50%, 25% and 1%.

Today we are not going to be using the White Rose worksheets and videos for our Maths lesson. I would really like you to practise finding the percentages of amounts with these key percentages - 10%, 50 %, 25% and 1%. Firstly, can you print out this grid at home, copy it into your remote learning book or re-create your own? Are you able to fill in the gaps?


enlightenedKeep this table safe and always refer back to it to help you with today’s problems.

Use this video to help you along today – for most of you it will be good to watch this video to get you started. (Some of you have seen it before – but it will be a great refresher!).

Percentages without a calculator - Corbettmaths

I have saved two worksheets for you to have a go at today; you can challenge yourself to have a go at both. Alternatively, just pick the one you prefer. (I have made them for you – so apologies for any errors!) If you are stuck, please email me Remember you do not need to print these off, you can pop the answers straight into your remote learning book.



Join me at 12:00pm – we shall catch-up from the morning and finish reading Macbeth – now you know the gruesome end anyway. We can talk about the book. What we enjoyed – do you have any questions about it that you may be willing to share?

Afternoon Lessons


LO: to reflect on the special prayer ‘The Our Father’

Our Father | CAFOD

Read through this text on the ‘Our Father’ carefully, it is attached as a PDF. Can you answer the reflective question at the bottom?

Activity: Listen again to the clip of the ‘Our Father’ Prayer – can you design and illustrate a bookmark with some or all of the words from the prayer on?

Or you can write up the prayer into your remote learning book or onto paper and then add your own beautiful illustrations to match.

Try to send me any examples of your work  – especially pieces you are proud. These can be printed and go straight into our RE Big Book.

Tudor Quiz:

Here is a Tudor Quiz for you all to try this afternoon, created for you by Ada. Follow the link and have a go:


Thank you Ada, more fun quizzes created by you Unicorns to follow this week.


Creative Challenge:

Here is a fun and creative Design and Technology challenge set for you from Mrs Harrison. Have fun with this one! Would love to see your creations – you have all week to send us photos in


Mr Langley call with KS2 at 2:40pm.  


I cannot believe this is the last week of term 3, it has flown by!  Well done to all of you, I am super proud of how you have all taken lockdown and remote learning in your stride. I am marshmallow clapping for you all right now!

Baby and I have NO LONGER have an appointment tomorrow morning and so there WILL be a morning zoom, YAY! laugh 

Mrs Harrison will still host tomorrow's 12pm zoom call so please remember it is a different log in than usual. Check the app for zoom details.heart

Mrs Jessup. xx
