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Today let us pray for the world.


For those that are suffering, for the world that needs time to heal and for people less fortunate than ourselves



The focus for today is to ‘Add mixed numbers’  This is to follow on from yesterday but it is also objectives which you learnt in Year 5 so should be a bit of revision for you. I would like you to start by watching the video ‘Add mixed numbers’ (Autumn Week 10 – Number: Fractions) Please follow this link:

Pause the video when it tells you to and have a go at some of the questions on your own. When the video is finished you can have a go at the supporting worksheet. I have also attached the answer sheet – but remember that’s only for when you have finished.



Have a read of the ‘William Shakespeare’ comprehension and carefully answer the questions in your own time. I have saved the worksheet at the bottom of the page in today’s documents.

I have saved a few PowerPoints for you to have a read through too – all about, guess who? Yep! It’s Shakespeare again…

Can you create your own fact-file, biography, mini-book or poster all about Shakespeare today? Use the information that you have read today and possibly any research that you found yesterday. Remember you can send your work in to me – would be lovely to see how you are all getting on.


Afternoon activities:

Choose one or two activities from the grid for your afternoon learning. 