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Good Morning Unicorns!heart

What do you call James Bond when he’s in the bath tub?

Bubble 07!



Join me at 9:00am for our Zoom – today we shall share reflection together and talk more in detail about Lent. Lent is a time for prayer, for fasting and for almsgiving.


The theme this week is Strength.


This morning let’s think about what we can give to others? If you cannot join our Zoom please watch the video that will be shared. Watch as this young boy learns about kindness and giving. How can you so such gifts and positivity to others during Lent? Helping to create bonds and strength throughout our local community.   

The Gift of Giving

Morning Lessons



LO: to explore the area and perimeter of shapes.

Begin today’s session by watching this video ‘Area and Perimeter’ Remember to pause the video and answer questions as it plays. Once you have finished have a go at today’s worksheet, no need to print the work. You can write your answers in your remote learning book.

If you too are struggling with the Maths so far this week please do get in touch and email me:  I have not planned extra maths sessions for this week but I can do if any Unicorns need me to. I am here always to help you.  



You have new spellings to learn this term. The list is on the ‘Homework and Spellings’ tab of the Unicorns page and I have attached it here for you all.

Have a go at one of the following activities in your remote learning book to help you learn this week’s spellings.




LO- to read aloud, discuss a book and make predictions.

Unicorns, yesterday we read Chapter 1 of ‘The London Eye Mystery’ – here is the first chapter for you to read yourself again at home.

Can you have a go at answering the following questions in your remote learning books?


  1. What did you like about the story opening?
  2. Do you have any questions that you would like to know the answer to? If so, can you list those questions?
  3. Does this book remind you of anything you have read before?
  4. Was there anything that has puzzled you in Chapter 1?


The last and most important question –

What do you think has happened to Salim?


Write your prediction down so we can share these in our zoom lesson today at 12:00pm.



Join me at 12:00pm for our Zoom call before lunch – we can discuss Chapter 1 of our book and begin to read Chapter 2 ‘News of a Hurricane’.


Afternoon Lessons.

Geography and Computing:

I have designed a research task for you to do this afternoon to help you get to know our Capital city ‘London’ a little more and all the instructions are on there for what you need to do.

There is no need to print the worksheet (you can if you would like to).


Get outside today –in your garden if you can or on a family walk. The weather has just been glorious and fresh air and the sunshine really can make you smile.

For anyone struggling to get out, here are some workouts you can try at home from PE with Joe Wicks:


Hope you have all had a lovely day! The sun has been shining which really makes me happy. Have a lovely evening and I shall see you in the morning.

Mrs Jessup. xx
