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Daily Reflection: Our focus this week is 'Courage'

As you have a listen to this song about being brave, think about how you are going to be brave today and have courage!


"Wait for the Lord, be strong and let your heart take courage." Psalm 27:14


Little Imps, 


Start of the day:

Listen to our good morning song:


Fine Motor Skills:

Listen to our crocodile snap song using the following link and get those hands ready:

Using a blank piece of paper, draw lots of lines going from one side of the page to the other. The lines can be straight or squiggly. I will show you in our zoom session. When you have drawn your lines, colour in each section of the paper using pens or crayons. Take your time to colour in really carefully, staying in the lines and remembering your pencil grip, our crocodile snap fingers! You can do it!



Do you have any nursery rhyme books or fairy tale books on your shelf at home? Choose one of these to look through and read. Can you tell someone in your house about your book? Don’t forget to keep a look out for our phase 3 sounds that we have been thinking about in our phonics sessions. In the resources you will find a different I spy reading sheet that you can use to read the words and then find the correct object. 



Today we are going to think about our story and those naughty aliens! We are going to create a wanted poster to help try and catch those aliens that are taking the underpants! Our wanted posters can then be put up to help catch them. On your wanted poster you need to draw one of the aliens and you will tell us something about them e.g. they have a green head! You can either use the template provided in the resources or you can make your own. 



Today we are thinking about all of the 3d shapes we have learnt about. Can you name all of the 3d shapes on the poster found in the resources? Grab a tin can and give it a wash. Do you remember what 3d shape this is? Yes, a cylinder! Using your cylinder shape, think about what you can turn it into!! You can use your cylinder to create something wonderful… could make a pencil pot, a bird feeder, a plant pot, a wind chime etc. I am so excited to see what you create!!!!




Revise all of your phase 2 sounds and the phase 3 sounds that we have learnt so far (j, v, w and z, x, y, qu, ch, th, sh, ng, ee, igh and ai). Today we are moving on to the sound ‘oa’ and you can hear this sound using the following link: Have a look at the ‘oa’ words/ pictures found in the resources, can you read them? Have a try at writing out the ‘oa’ words and using the correct sound buttons. You could draw your own boat to help you remember the sound from today. 


Afternoon activity:

Continue with your cylinder tin can activity from this morning’s maths! You can be as creative as you can, and you could even make a couple of cylinder creations! 



Mrs Jukes x
