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Daily Reflection: Our focus this week is 'Forgiveness'

Do you always say sorry when you upset someone? Is it always easy to forgive someone when they say sorry. Watch the video clip about forgiveness and think about this questions:


"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians 4:32

Good Morning Imps, 

I hope that you had a wonderful weekend. Only one more week until we can be together again and I so excited!!!!

This week is ‘Book Week’ and in the afternoons each activity will based around our book for the week. Our English learning will also be based on our book. There are lots of exciting things happening this week which Mrs Jessup will be telling us about, especially on Thursday which is dress up day!!! 



Start of the day:

Listen to our good morning song:


Fine Motor Skills:

Listen to our crocodile snap song using the following link and get those hands ready:

Using some playdough, roll it in to a large ball. See if you can find things around the house to push into the playdough. It could be some pasta shapes, some buttons, some beads, stones……use whatever you have at home. See if you can push the objects right into the play dough as this will help build up the muscles in your hands and work those fingers. Can you take the objects carefully out of the play dough? Have you made a print in the play dough?


Reading Challenge One for Book Week: 

heart  Read a book in your pyjamas today and take a photograph!!



Let’s share one of our special books for the week called ‘When the World made a rainbow.” If you are unable to attend the zoom meeting, then you can use the following link to have a little look at the story:

We are going to think about the first colour in the rainbow, red. Can you think of all things red? Draw a picture of everything you can think of and also write the name of the object next to each picture. Make sure you use your sounds to help you. How many different things can you think of that are red?



Today we are thinking about weight and the words ‘heavy’ and ‘light’. Do you have any fruit at home that you could feel the weight of? How does the orange compare to the apple? Which one is lighter? Which one is heaviest? Can you order the fruit, starting with the lightest to the heaviest? Take a picture of your findings and send it to me. Were there any surprises? Did you have maybe two or three of the same fruit, but they all weighed differently? You may have some scales at home which you could use to weigh your fruit.  



Revise all of your phase 2 sounds and the phase 3 sounds that we have learnt so far (j, v, w and z, x, y, qu, ch, th, sh, ng, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar and ai). Today we are going to revisit the ch and sh sound. Can you think of any words with these sounds in? Try writing some words with these sounds in, remembering to use your robot arms and your sound buttons. We will try some words together in our zoom lesson. If you need reminding of how to say each sound, use the following links:  ch sound -

        sh sound -

Look around your house to see if you can find any objects with either of these sounds in. What can you find? 


Afternoon activity:

Listen to colours of the rainbow song using the following link:

Create your very own rainbow collage. Firstly cut out a rainbow shape from cardboard, using an old cereal box etc. Then on your rainbow draw very faint lines to separate the rainbow into colours ready to decorate. You will need 6 sections on your rainbow. For each section, decorate with objects, paint etc according to the colour needed. The picture below will give you some ideas of how your rainbow could look. Keep your rainbows and if you go for a walk, drop them off at school as I would love to hand them in our classrooms. Don’t worry if not, you can bring them back on Monday 8th when we all return to school. 


Mrs Jukes x
