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This morning we shall start our Zoom lesson at 9.30 with a short Reflection which will lead us into this morning’s learning.





Whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”


Matthew 21:22“Whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”

Matthew 21:22



The start of this lesson will follow on from our Reflection on our 9.30 Zoom call.

Learning Objective: I know that Jesus is the most special person for the parish family.

Special People

Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the Temple. They wanted to thank God for him. At the Temple, they met an old man called Simeon. He was a good and holy person. He often went to the Temple to pray. When he saw Jesus, Simeon took him in his arms and praised God.  He said, “This baby will bring light and joy to the world.” Mary and Joseph were very surprised by Simeon’s words and didn’t know what he meant at the time.  Simeon blessed them.

After that, they met Anna.  She was eighty-four years old and spent all her time in the Temple praying.  She said a thank-you prayer to God for Jesus and told everyone that he would bring happiness to those who loved God.  Mary and Joseph took Jesus home to Nazareth where he grew up and learned to praise God.

Based on Luke 2: 23 - 40


Can you make your own puppets and then retell the story?

How many characters are there in this story and who are they?

Ask your grown-up to take a photo of you retelling the story with your puppets and send it to me at and I will put it in our Gallery.



Phonics - session will be on Zoom at 11am



Learning objective: I know which number is a ten and which is a one.


Today watch the second tens and ones video and pause in the relevant places to answer the questions.  Answer the next two questions on the worksheet that you downloaded for yesterday.




Learning Objective: I can create art using a variety of media.

Look at and discuss with your grown-up, paintings that show the Great Fire of London.

Take note of the colours and how the paintings have been created.

Experiment with colour and materials to create your own Great Fire of London artwork.


I have attached a PowerPoint at the bottom of this page so you can view more Great Fire of London art.

Have fun creating your master pieces and don’t forget to email me your finished art.
