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Daily Reflection: Our focus this week is 'Honesty'

Sit quietly, light a candle (with your adults permission) and think about the term and how much you have learnt. Think. about our word Honesty.....are you always honest? is it something you could work on?


"Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up, just in fact as you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Good Morning Imps,

To celebrate the end of term and our great work on space we thought it would be great to have a space/alien day!!! We can’t wait to see you on zoom, did you dress up? Am I going to be teaching the Imps or thirty little aliens? 

Today will be a little bit different as we are going to do lots of fun space activities, and you can pick and choose what you would like to do………just make sure you have great fun!








Squishy Sun or planet painting

Using a paper plate or a circular piece of paper, squirt some paint onto it (whichever colour you would like) and then place a piece of clingfilm over the top. Use the clingfilm to move and squish the paint about!! Make sure you are doing this activity on a covered table as the paint may squirt out of the sides!!!


Moon rock foil painting

Scrunch up some tine foil into a ball shape. Draw your moon or planet outline nice and big. Dip the tin foil into some paint and off you go, dab it on your moon or planet shape!!! You could use grey and white paint for the moon or you could use different colours for the different planets. 


Stars in the sky

Using star stickers or drawing your own stars, place some stars in random places on your paper. See if you can then join up your stars. What shape do you get? What name could you give this shape?


Solar system hats

Using some paper, make a strip that will fit around your head but don't glue it together just yet! Once you have your strip ready, put it to one side and on another piece of paper, draw at the planets in the solar system, colour them in and cut them out. You can then stick them onto your strip of paper, trying to put them in the correct order. In the resources you will find a poster showing you the planets in the solar system and their order. Stick the strip together to make your hat. 

Space themed wreath

Using a paper plate, cut the middle of the plate out so you are left with a ring. Paint or colour the paper plate ring black. Add on your planets, the sun etc that you have drawn. you can also add some stars to create a night sky. Use some string or wool to hang up your space wreath.

