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Term 2

We made reindeer cakes! They were so yummy and delicious.

Christmas Carol Concert! Huge thank you to all those who were able to come and join us, it was lovely to see so many of you.

The children acted in the role of the Three Wise Men, whilst the other children asked them questions!

In Science, we made some characters and then performed our very own shadow puppet shows!

Our class elf, Wonder, decided to bring us some cookies to help us with our maths learning. We were dividing by 4 so he gave us 40 cookies but Miss Coughlan and Mrs Welsh decided to eat two before!

We’ve been learning how to multiply by 4. We decided to use the chalk pens to draw some arrays to help us learn our 4 times table!

We ordered some pictures of artefacts and some dates relating to the history of the circus!

We went outside to collect some twigs so that we could make our very own Jesse tree!

Thank you so much for all the amazing homework we have received this term! The effort that has gone into them is amazing.

We mixed primary colours to make secondary colours in Art! We did this to create some ivy and holly for our display.

Making predictions about the characters in our new book!

Addition and subtraction
