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Reflect on your day yesterday, where you kind and caring to everyone?

Find yourself a quiet space at home or in the classroom and take to time prayer to God and ask for his support for the week to come.


Above are the first 2 pages of Ice Trap! for you read and share together.

After you have read through the 2 sections I have a couple tasks for you to work through.

1) Read through a second time and find any words that you are not sure of their meaning. Record these words in your book, then using either a dictionary or the internet, find the meaning of these words and put that into your book alongside the word.

2) Create a word cloud of the emotions that you think Percy (the stowaway) would have been feeling when he was discovered.

3) Rewrite the first part of the story from the view point of Percy. I will start you off below. Remember to be Percy (use I), write about how you would have been feeling and how being found would have made you feel. Here is a start if you need some ideas.


"I was crouched down hiding in the freezing, dark locker. Bangs and bumps were all around, I had no clue what they were but they sounded close to my locker. All of a sudden, blinding golden sunlight burned my eyes as the lid was thrown open on the locker. Some one was shouting...."


Today we are going to carry  on with our work on multiplication and division. We are exploring multiplying 3 numbers at once. There is a video found at the link below


Alongside working through the video content, there is also a work sheet that will expand on the multiplying 3 numbers at a time learning.


We are going to be looking at coding in computing this term. We are going to be using this website


This is called scratch. Using the blocks and bricks we can make the cat do a range of different things such as move, talk and maybe even change his size!


We are going to zoom at 2 for computing, where I am going to explain how to use it and some basic functions. Before our zoom however please feel free to log on and have a play, see if you can get the cat to do something!

