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Below you will find a link to the Year 4 home learning page on White Rose Maths.

There is a video for each day of the week. If you find the learning too challenging try some videos from a different year group.


When you reach the page you will to see the overview of the year. We are in the spring term. We will be working through multiplication and division, followed by area and then into fractions over the course of this term. If you click on the coloured box with the title, it will open the videos to play and watch.


As a rough guide we will be looking at the follow areas in the weeks below.


WB 10th January - 11 and 12 times tables, multiply 3 numbers, factor pairs, efficient multiplication

WB 17th January - written methods, multiply 2 digits by 1 digits (1), multiply 2 digits by 1 digits (2), multiplying 3 digits by 1 digit

WB 24th January - divide 2 digits by 1 digit (1), divide 2 digits by 1 digit (2), divide 2 digits by 1 digit (3), divide 3 digits by 1 digit, 

WB 31st January - what is area, counting squares, making shapes, comparing area

WB 7th February - unit and non unit fractions, what is a fraction, tenths, count in tenths


At the end of the video please do not worry about moving onto a sheet as they instruct, undertaking the video is more than enough at this stage. If, however, you would like the corresponding worksheets to do then please get in touch with me.


Alongside the White Rose videos above please spend 15 minutes on Times Tables Rock Stars every day!
