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Monday Home Learning- Hobbits Class

Good morning Hobbits!



I hope you have had a lovely weekend. I am really looking forward to seeing you today at 11.00 and 1.00 on Zoom. We will be doing English in our first Zoom and marking our Arithmetic and going through any questions about the learning in the second. 


Have a wonderful day. 



Our theme in reflection this week is


Listen to this song and light a candle (with a grown ups permission) and take this moment to calm and quiet. 

While listening to the song think about how you can show compassion (thinking of others) today and this week. 



We will be doing a Zoom today where I will be showing you our new book! 



Your task is to create a story map of what happened throughout the story. If you need to recap the story here a link of someone else reading the story.


Group Challenges

Red Group- Can you label your story map with adverbs of how the verbs are being done (He walked slowly)

Yellow Group- Can you add Time Conjunctions (First, Then, Next, Finally) of the parts of your story map.

Green Group- Can you label your story map with adjectives (descriptive words) that help describe your story map. 

Blue Group- Can you name all of the characters that are spoken about in the story as the appear on your story map.

Purple Group- Can you identify at least one noun (name, place or thing) in each part of your story maps.



We are focussing on adverbs.

Today we are focussing on adverbs of time. 

Watch the video and write one sentence using one of the new adverbs of time you have learnt today.

If you want to challenge yourself write 3 sentences using the same adverb in three different ways. 


Practice Week 1 Spellings and get a grown up to test you for you Monday try at spellings. 

On Friday we will be doing the spelling test together for the final one so I can get your scores in Good Luck!



  • Today’s Maths Learning

Week 11 Divide by 3- Watch the video and complete the questions in your books. The worksheet will be at the bottom of the sheet. 



  • Try to do 30 minutes of Times Tables Rockstars- I shall be monitoring your progress!

Our focus this week is Addition and Subtraction. 

The worksheets are the bottom of the page you don't have to print it off you can just write the answers. 

You have 15 minutes to complete your sheet, take your time and think carefully. Don't forget about your presentation!



Our topic this term in History is the Victorians.

Your task is to create a timeline of key events in the Victorian times. 

There is a video to help you but if you are up for the challenge can you add some extra events that happened and put them in the right place.

Timelines need to be in chronological order which is a fancy way of saying that they need to go in the order that they happened. So make sure they are not all jumbled up. 

You can draw or print off pictures of the key events too. 


Make sure you read your book or a book from home and record it in your purple book.


Keep in contact my email is send me pictures, your work or just for a chat!

Stay safe.


Lots of love,

Miss Storti xx

Maths Worksheet

Arithmetic Worksheet
