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“Be strong and let your heart take courage, all you who hope in the Lord.”

Psalm 31:24

Sit quietly for a few minutes and listen to some calming music.  Think about courage and what it means.  You can think of a prayer to say with your grown up



An input for this lesson will happen in this morning’s Zoom lesson at 9.30.

Please see log in details that were sent via the School App

Learning Objective: I can write a label.

Paddington at the Station


Watch the station scene from the Paddington Movie clip above.  Talk to a grown about what Paddington’s luggage label says and then make your own luggage label. You can use the template or make your own.

Resources: Luggage label template (attached at the bottom)



Today’s phonics session will be at 11am on Zoom.  Please see log in details that were sent in an App message.

Today we will be learning about the split digraph i_e as in "nice", "prize" and "shine".  We will be recapping previously learnt sounds including ey, oe, au, ew, ph, wh and the tricky words said, so, have, like, Mr, Mrs, looked, called, asked, people, their, oh



Learning objective: I can add by making 10. (you will need to paste this link into your browser)

Watch the I can add by making 10 video.

Resources: 10 frames and some counters.


There is no worksheet for this session.  Use your ten frames and some counters/objects to explore numbers and answer the questions from the video.




Learning Objective: To be able to identify and name a variety of common animals that are birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals.

To be able to describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals.

Focus on reptiles:

Watch the video above.

Look at theses pictures.



What are they made up of?

What does a reptile have that you don’t?

How is a snake different to a cat?

Draw a reptile and label the different parts.

(there is some reptile border paper attached at the end of this page)
