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Good Morning Unicorns!heart 

What kind of tree fits in your hand?

A Palm Tree!



Join me at 9:00am for our Zoom lesson – this morning our focus for reflection is ‘Understanding’.



The theme this week is understanding.

“For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding.”

Proverbs 2:6


Morning Lessons


LO: To use persuasive techniques in my writing.

You need to start today by watching Episode 4 of the BBC animations ‘All hail Macbeth! King of Scotland’. Follow the link here:

What do you think is going through Macbeth’s mind right now? How much has his character changed from the start of the play do you think?


Activity: I would like you to write a persuasive letter to Macbeth telling him what he should or should not do now. Will you be the devil on his shoulder or the angle on his shoulder? Should he kill Banquo and his son Fleance? What do you think? Try to be as persuasive as you can – to convince Macbeth of what plan to carry out.


Here are some little tips that may help you with your writing.

Twinkl Help sheets:


Can you please go to our PiXL resources page – Remote learning > PiXL resources > Reading. Click the reading tab – choose a reading comprehension of your choice to have a go at. For most of the texts there is a Set A or Set B question sheet, you only need to choose one set, either A or B. Please do not worry about completing both. Keep a record of what comprehensions you have chosen so far.  



Arithmetic – adding decimals.

12.3 + 0.6 =

0.75 + 0.43 =

13.451 +11.2 =

1.34 + 0.31 =

1.098 + 2.401=

17.6 + 0.9 =


Today we are going to be re-capping decimals and the value of each digit in a decimal number. There will be two videos and two worksheets to have a look through. Please carefully watch through both videos – remembering to pause when you are asked to during the videos.

‘Decimals up to two decimal places’ -


‘Three decimal places’ -


Working through these might take you some time – have a look at the worksheets for today. Remember not to stress if you do not manage to do both. You may have worked hard enough during the videos that you do not have time today to start the worksheets. Especially, if you did all the questions on the videos. But, here are the worksheets for you and the answers if you need them:


Join me at 12:00pm – we will be looking over today’s Maths and I will be introducing the new concepts ready for tomorrows learning. 


Afternoon Lessons


To start today’s lesson I have a video for you to watch. I found it whilst planning your lesson and the message in it really struck me ‘Love never fails’. I hope you enjoy watching it in a moment of quiet reflection before you start today’s lesson.

Faith in Action Award | Love Never Fails | CAFOD

LO: to explore different scripture and passages from the bible. 

I have attached for you a document below called ‘Scripture Cards’. Open up the document and take your time to read the different passages from the bible. (The first is my favourite and I had this read in church on my wedding day - 1 Corinthians 13:4-7). You may recognise some of the scriptures.

Today I would like you to choose your favourite scripture. Why did this scripture stand out to you? Did it inspire you? Could you relate to its meaning?

Once you have decided on your scripture card. Choose one of the following activities:

  • Make an artwork (can be anything you wish, paint, pencil, collage etc) that represents what is being said in your favourite scripture card.
  • Re-write the scripture – you can copy it down, give it a colourful border or re-write it into your own words.
  • Write a prayer based on your favourite scripture card.
  • An idea of your own? Maybe this scripture card has inspired you do something else?

Remember to keep your RE work safe so we can add all the wonderful learning to our RE Big Book when we get back to school. And please send a photo of your work to me (if you can) these would look lovely on our Unicorns page of the website. The email is:


LO: to know key dates, characters and events of a period of time studied.

Take a look at this website: Choose some different clips to watch to investigate what life was like during the Tudor Period.

I have sent you this link before back in week 2; be sure to listen carefully to a different talk this time. Can I suggest number 2 ‘Elizabeth I’ or number 10 ‘The Playhouse’ for you to have a listen to.

You can always make some notes – you never know when they might be useful to you.



Mr Langley call with KS2 at 2:40pm.  


You are all doing so well with your remote learning Unicorns – keep sending in your work, keep joining the Zooms and keep being you! You are all awesome! See you in the morning at 9:00am.heart

Mrs Jessup. xx
